Dull Knives Suck

Most people (99% of the population) never spend a moment thinking about their knives. And that’s certainly true for the good people of Coral Springs and Parkland, Florida. The expectation is that knives stay factory sharp forever and that they just work when you take them out of the drawer. Thinking about knives is a very, very, very low priority. And this is the case for almost everyone, everywhere in South Florida.

And that’s a great strategy until it’s not. Because failure to regularly maintain a knife will cause them to blunt; which makes them dull. A dull knife is actually unsafe and it also increases the effort it takes to chop, cut and slice. That means putting dinner on the table, another activity which we want to be quick and easy (as we deal with kids, lives, jobs, volunteer work, you name it…) becomes more tedious and a little bit more dangerous.

Sharpen Ur Knives was developed with the 99% of knife owners in mind. We focus on sharpening AND maintaining your kitchen knives and making it easy and inexpensive to do so. That’s why we have multiple local drop off locations, offer home pick-up and delivery, a simple, flat price point plan, and encourage you to get your knives sharpened with us as often as you like for no additional fees.

Don’t overthink this. Sharpen Ur Knives, ‘cause dull knives suck.


Knife Sharpening